Sunday, March 28, 2010

Go Green 2

Some other photos after the plants have been fully set up.

I also move all the Siamese Algae  Eater fishes and Otocinclus (Oto Cat) to the new tank. I also got several new Otocinclus from the local pet store. Must be alert of the potential algae problem in the following weeks.

Although the staff in the store claim that Siamese is the best algae eater, I disagree with him from my own experience. The Siamese in my old tank not only ate plant (certain type of fragile plant), but also fight for the regular flake food that are prepared for other fishes, while in the mean time there are ton of algae waiting for them to clean up.

On the other hand, the Oto cats seem to be pretty much concentrating hunting on the algae.

Now let's wait to see what it will become in several months.

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